The PathWay of True Success!

Pastor Helen Ajimati

You are enlisted to succeed and not fail, your word shall come at record time. Be blessed and encouraged as you read.

Until the time that his word came: the word of the Lord tried him. The king sent and loosed him; even the ruler of the people, and let him go free. He made him lord of his house, and ruler of all his substance: To bind his princes at his pleasure; and teach his senators wisdom (Psa 105:19-22).

Phil 2:13. The pursuit of success in life is the goal of all men but true success is when God succeeds in modeling the image of His son in us. Then it is evident that His dream, plan, purpose and mandate can succeed through us.

Success in the eyes of God is realising the mandate of God for your life, according to God’s prescribed process and pattern in its alloted time by His Word and the help of His Spirit. *True success is when the created agrees with the workings of the creator, the finishing will be according to God’s desired plan*.

Jer 1:5. Your mandate is God’s blueprint of His eternal purpose that you have been called to fulfil, His race that you have been called to run; what you are created for and born to be, God’s dream to give expression to the image of His son in and through you from your set platform of operation in phases and stages.

When the thought and this great plan of God is communicated to you, make no mistake: it is spiritual but yet so real. It is invisible but yet sure and stable, a future reality conveyed in the now, a goal that you dare not miss, a standard raised that demands attention, a word heard from God that lives on through the good, the bad, and most ugly season of life but remains true that her voice cannot be ignored neither can it be silenced.

Gal 1:11-17. Such dream is usually bigger and larger than the dreamer. God is not a respecter of man, age, gender, culture, background, academic or professional excellence, political position, financial status or based on cumulative life experience but simply an endowment of grace by grace, and you do need grace to execute and stay in line with the mandate and run within the lane in all seasons.

1 Cor 2:9-10. Your mandate is not subjected to man’s opinion or popular debate, for how can what is yet be seen be subjected to physical evaluation, assessment, analysis or scrutiny. It is spiritual and it takes those who are spiritually discerning to grasp the reality of God’s thought for you.

1 Cor 2:14. When your mandate is shared with the unspiritual or men with eyes who lack spiritual vision then it is beyond their comprehension. God’s vision is always larger than what man thought of you, the value tag they placed on you, their expectation of you should not be a surprise.

For they may have assessed your destiny vision and rated it according to natural parameters, your past, pain, problem, educational and academic posture, financial status, your biological or spiritual parentage, praise God. Your mandate and God-given task is considered done when communicated to you. Hey, you have started from where God finished, you have just joined the music that is already playing.

2 Tim 4:2. Don’t be silenced, he that believes does not make haste, speak your dream and speak to your dream, don’t be offended or get bitter, it is not personal, it is a spiritual journey, needing grace to maintain a spiritual posture.

John 12:24. The olive must be crushed for the oil to burst forth but the shaft must be discarded. You must pass the test of time and character with freedom from the flesh. Your lowest moment is set up for your lifting, when men say there is a casting down, agree with me, God is your glory and the lifter up of your head.

Job 30: 8-10. It is not unexpected that folks will and may talk at you, your mandate, rise against, call a question, why you and not them, others may confederate together to cancel you so that they may stop the dream, but it is not about you, when they withhold hands of fellowship and fallout with you, do not fear you are not alone God is with you to make good his word.

2 Cor 4:7-16. When your phone stops ringing, and friends and brethren stand aloof, not picking your calls because of fear that you might never make it, and your dream was considered an assumption or ambition, personal pursuit rather than God’s eternal mandate for your life. Rejoice, You are on the right path, stay on, don’t give up or quit the race.

Chill and cheer up, look up, God is committed to performing His word to you and through you. Listen, not an iota of God’s spoken word to you will fail of its of operation. Great image is developed in the darkroom. God is working all things out according to his purpose that cannot be thwarted or stopped.

Admit, the mandate is in stages and realised in phases so are you God’s work in progress, as the work is progressing the reality of the dream is unfolding. Celebrate the season, see every moment from the perspective of God’s eternal purpose. Agree with His workings and it shall be alright, in Jesus name.

2 Cor 4:16-18. True Success is seen in the light of what God says and does with and through a regenerated heart who is envisioned with God’s vision, with willingness to patiently endure the processes and the pain in order to obtain the promise; walking in the reality of God’s word, just because God has succeeded in you, His plan is deemed a success through you in record time. Godly success is from inside out, Amen.





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